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    Second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme: Consultations on Vocational Education and Training at the State Institute of Vocational Education

    On 21 February 2024, a consultation with relevant stakeholders took place at the State Institute of Vocational Training (SIVT). The discussions focused on the assessment of the support measure entitled “Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of Initial and Higher Vocational Education (VET)”, which is being prepared by the State Institute of Vocational Education within the framework of the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme. The meeting was conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, the National Coordination Unit.

    The consultations brought together a wide range of experts. In the opening part of the program, participants had the opportunity to listen to insightful speeches and receive updates on current developments in vocational education, as well as an introduction to the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme.

    Mr. Ivan Hromada, a representative from the Office of the Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme in Slovakia, provided an overview of the steps taken so far regarding the second Swiss contribution, the Framework Agreement for its implementation in Slovakia, and the allocation of funds. He noted that Slovakia would receive 44 million Swiss francs (EUR 46 million), with 5.75 million Swiss francs (EUR 6 million) earmarked for improving the quality and attractiveness of initial and higher vocational education and training.

    Ms. Martina Szabóová, representing the National Coordination Unit, outlined the roles and responsibilities of the various institutions involved in the national implementation.

    The meeting was moderated by Mr. Branislav Hadar, director of ŠIOV, who presented the five main activities planned as the project’s goals. These activities aim to increase the quality, flexibility, and attractiveness of initial and higher VET in Slovakia, aligning it more closely with labor market needs, thus enhancing the employability of young people and foreigners and reducing unemployment. The planned activities include:

    1. Strengthening practical training provided by employers,
    2. Modulating and innovating VET programs and linking higher vocational education programs with the first cycle of higher education,
    3. Introducing the Vocational Baccalaureate,
    4. Adapting the educational process for foreigners,
    5. Introducing the Institute of the Master’s Examination.

    Consultations with relevant stakeholders are a mandatory part of preparing a support measure before it is submitted for approval by the Swiss side. These consultations aim to assess relevance, feasibility, and inclusiveness, allowing participants to make suggestions and recommendations for improvement. During discussions on the individual activities, participants from various institutions highlighted the insufficient number of vocational masters for dual training and discussed inclusiveness in specialized training and the adaptation of foreigners to the labor market.


    Participants confirmed that the project’s objectives and proposed activities are beneficial for the further development of vocational education in Slovakia. The implementation of this project will enhance the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training, particularly in selected sectors. The sub-activities will contribute to an overall increase in the flexibility and inclusiveness of VET, in line with labor market needs.


    For more information on the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme, please follow this link: About Second Swiss-contribution