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    Second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme: Consultations with Relevant Actors in Sustainable Tourism and Biodiversity Enhancement in Protected Areas

    On 28 February 2024, the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRDI SR) hosted a meeting on the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme. Consultations with relevant stakeholders were held to discuss upcoming support measures aimed at sustainable tourism and biodiversity enhancement in protected areas. The meeting was conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR). Representatives from national parks, state administration, local government, NGOs, academia, and relevant umbrella organizations participated in the consultations.

    In the introductory part of the program, participants had the opportunity to listen to informative speeches, which provided insights into the current state of preparation for the support measure and details about the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme.

    Mr. Ivan Hromada, a representative from the Office of the Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme in Slovakia, provided an overview of the steps taken so far regarding the second Swiss contribution, the Framework Agreement for its implementation in Slovakia, and the allocation of funds. He noted that Slovakia would receive 44 million Swiss francs (EUR 46 million), with 22.8 million Swiss francs (EUR 23.74 million) earmarked for promoting sustainable tourism and enhancing biodiversity in protected areas.

    Ms. Martina Szabóová, representing the National Coordination Unit (MIRDI SR), outlined the roles and responsibilities of the various institutions involved in the national implementation.

    The meeting was moderated by Ms. Jana Dacková (Head of the Programme Management Department, MIRDI SR) and Mr. Filip Salus (National Parks Management Department, MoE SR), who jointly presented the objectives of the support measure.

    The objective of the support measure is to promote sustainable tourism in and around protected areas (especially national parks), and to protect ecosystems and biodiversity in these areas. With a total allocation of EUR 26.8 million (85% from the second Swiss contribution and 15% from the State budget of the Slovak Republic), the support measure aims to strengthen the following areas:

    Development of Sustainable Tourism: In cooperation with 9 national parks and the State Nature Conservation Service of the Slovak Republic, a comprehensive approach to promoting sustainable tourism will be implemented through the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and soft measures aimed at raising environmental awareness.

    Protection of Biodiversity in and around Protected Areas: Projects will be selected based on an open call, with grants ranging between EUR 200,000 and EUR 500,000.

    Consultation with relevant stakeholders is a mandatory part of preparing the support measure before it is submitted to the Swiss side for approval. These consultations aim to assess relevance, feasibility, and inclusiveness, allowing participants to make suggestions and recommendations for improvement.

    Representatives from national parks appreciated the opportunity to reconstruct infrastructure, which will facilitate the implementation of soft measures to increase visitor interest, present the national parks, and educate the public about environmental responsibility. Participants agreed on the importance of measures to enhance biodiversity and environmental protection. Specific activities for the public were also discussed, including organizing seminars, workshops with environmental themes, guided tours for environmental enthusiasts, and photo-hunting events. These activities aim to raise awareness of the importance of nature conservation and promote a responsible approach to tourism.

    During the discussion, participants also appreciated the planned activities to intensify cooperation between national parks and the opportunity for mutual exchange of information and experience. The necessity of communication and cooperation among all relevant actors, including local authorities and umbrella tourism organizations, was emphasized.

    At the end of the meeting, Ms. Jana Dacková stated that the suggestions would be considered in the final version of the support measure. The Programme Manager is aware that, thanks to the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Contribution, Slovakia can strengthen the protection of its unique nature while supporting the sustainable development of tourism.

    More information about the second Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme can be found at this link: About second Swiss contribution