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  • Biodiversity

    General information

    Support Measure “Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Strengthening Biodiversity in Protected Areas” falls under the Thematic Area “Protecting the environment and climate. Nature conservation and biodiversity”. It will be implemented as a Programme. The Programme Operator is the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. The cooperating entity is the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the line Ministry.

    The objective of this Support Measure is to protect the environment and the climate through the development and implementation of sustainable tourism and creation of conditions for ecosystem protection and strengthening biodiversity in and around protected areas across Slovakia. This objective will be achieved through two Programme Components:

    Programme Component 1 “Tourists and Nature Together” focuses on supporting sustainable tourism in the Slovak national parks. It is a predefined Programme Component, where the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic will act as the Programme Component Operator, implementing activities in cooperation with National Park Administrations. This Programme Component contains two parts: support of the sustainable tourism and support for ecosystem and biodiversity protection through the development of strategic documents, management of protected areas, and the creation of a National Parks Alliance of the Slovak Republic, aimed at improving collaboration and mutual coordination of activities among national parks. The Swiss Programme Component Partner – the Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Natural Resource Sciences, Tourism and Sustainable Development Research Group, will be involved in these activities. The Programme Component will also include reconstruction or construction of infrastructure in the national parks, including facilities that will serve as information centres, eco-educational spaces, and terrain stations.

    The aim of Programme Component 2 is to support pilot initiatives and local measures focused on biodiversity protection and restoration in protected areas in Slovakia. The main aims of the supported projects will include biodiversity conservation – protection, management and restoration of specific plant and animal species, habitats and ecological processes. This Programme Component will be implemented in the form of an open call for proposals.The allocation from the second Swiss Contribution (85%) is 22.8 million Swiss francs. With co-financing from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic (15%), the total eligible expenditures for the Programme amount to €23,940,000. The implementation period is planned for 53 months.

    The Support Measure “Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Strengthening Biodiversity in Protected Areas” was approved by the Swiss authorities on 31st October 2024. The Support Measure Agreement was signed on 6. December 2024.

    Projects of biodiversity

    Tourists and nature come together

    Project number: 0410-2SC-BIO-PC1-001 Project title: Tourists and nature come together Title of the support measure: Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Strengthening…

    News from category Biodiversity