• Slovenčina
  • English
  • Complaints

    In case you wish to submit the complaint pursuant to Act no. 9/2010 Coll., please go to the website of the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization to the complaints section.

    In case you wish to submit the complaint which does not meet the characteristics of a text of a complaint pursuant to Act no. 9/2010 Coll. on Complaints, please fill the following anonymous form. The anonymous form is used mainly in case you suspect non-compliance with the principles of good governance related to the implementation of the second Swiss contribution. The Swiss-Slovak cooperation program have zero tolerance for corruption and misuse of funds.

    Form for reporting abuse and corruption according to Act No. 9/2010 Coll

    Poznámka: Formulár nie je určený na získavanie informácií o možnostiach podpory z Programu švajčiarsko-slovenskej spolupráce.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.