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    Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and Switzerland on Switzerland’s contribution to reducing economic and social disparities and to cooperation on migration in the EU

    Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and Switzerland on Switzerland’s contribution to reducing economic and social disparities and to cooperation on migration in the EU

    A Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Switzerland regarding Switzerland’s contribution to the reduction of economic and social disparities and to cooperation on migration in the European Union was signed on June,30, 2022, in Brussels by Ilze Juhansone, State Secretary of the European Commission, and Livia Leu, State Secretary of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While the Memorandum of Understanding is not legally bindingit outlines the key parameters of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU Member States, including the contribution amount, its distribution, thematic priorities and the principles of cooperation and implementation. The second Swiss contribution will focus on two areas: cohesion cooperation and migration cooperation. The Slovak Republic will also be involved as a partner country in cohesion cooperation. Of the total allocation for this area of 1.024 million Swiss francs, 44.2 million Swiss francs are earmarked for Slovakia.
