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    The Government of the Slovak Republic approves the proposal for the conclusion of a Framework Agreement on the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution

    The Government of the Slovak Republic approves the proposal for the conclusion of a Framework Agreement on the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution

    During its meeting on August 9th, 2023, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the materials titled “Proposal for the Framework Agreement between the Slovak Republic and the Swiss Federal Council regarding the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution to selected Member States of the European Union to reduce economic and social disparities within the European Union.”

    Framework Agreement serves as a foundational document for the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution in the programming period 2019-2029. It delineates the rights and obligations of the contracting parties – the Slovak Republic and the Swiss Confederation. Its annex is the so-called Country-Specific Framework, which contains specific parameters of cooperation, including thematic and geographical distribution of the allocation.

    The indicative amount of the Swiss contribution is 44.2 million Swiss francs, representing 85% of the total allocation of the second Swiss contribution. The compulsory national co-financing is set at 15% of the aforementioned amount.

    For more information: negotiation

    In the previous period from 2007 to 2017, the first Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme supported 19 projects and two funds totalling more than EUR 60 million (the Scholarship Fund and the Block Grant for NGOs). Successful projects include, for example, a 12-metre wooden barrel-shaped observation tower at Mala Tŕňa in the Tokaj wine-growing region, a new tourist information centre in the Dobšinská Ice Cave, renewed signposting of more than 300 km of hiking trails and more than 80 km of cycling trails in the Slovak Paradise. Thanks to the Swiss contribution, the ROSA Social Services Home in Košice has expanded its premises and added top-of-the-range exercise equipment according to the TheraSuit method, also used in Switzerland.