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    Signature of the Bilateral Framework Agreement: The second Swiss contribution support vocational education and training, biodiversity and health in Slovakia

    Signature of the Bilateral Framework Agreement: The second Swiss contribution support vocational education and training, biodiversity and health in Slovakia

    Barbora Lukáčová, State Secretary of the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, and Helene Budliger Artieda, State Secretary of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, signed the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Swiss Federal Council on the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution to selected Member States of the European Union to reduce economic and social disparities within the European Union on September 19, 2023, in Bratislava, at the premises of the historic building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic.

    The signing of the Framework Agreement marks a key milestone in the implementation of the Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme within the framework of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU Member States. The implementation of the Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme will continue until 2029.

    Of the total allocation of the second Swiss contribution, 44.2 million Swiss francs are earmarked for Slovakia, which will be used to support the following tree areas – vocational education and training, biodiversity enhancement and development of sustainable tourism, and health promotion with a focus on prevention. Each of these areas has the potential for cooperation with Swiss partners.

    For more information: Here